L’Abri is the French word for “shelter”. It is a place where people are welcomed and challenged to seek answers to their personal questions about life and faith. Everyone is welcome irrespective of background or faith.
As part of the International work of L’Abri, our branch provides a place for guests of all ages and backgrounds to share in community life. Together we attempt to grapple with questions of life and faith. What is true about our origin? What is a meaningful life? How do I find my place or calling? How is a biblically informed vision relevant and even freeing for my thoughts about society, relationships, the environment, politics, art and other religions?
Whether you wish to spend three months, three days, or merely three hours with L’Abri, you are very welcome to come. Although we are in a Dutch setting, all our activities during the week are in English. Occasionally lectures will be held in Dutch with English translation. Dutch L’Abri has two locations:
A residential l’Abri community in the village of Eck-en-Wiel, amidst the apple orchards
A non-residential location in the city of Utrecht, where we hold regular lectures and film evenings

"We must remember throughout our lives that in God’s sight there are no little people and no little places. Only one thing is important: to be consecrated persons in God’s place for us, at each moment."
Francis A. Schaeffer
L’Abri began in 1955, when Francis en Edith Schaeffer opened their home in the mountain village of Huémoz (Switzerland). When the Schaeffers started, there was no plan for a “L’Abri.” Without any money and unsure of being able to remain in Switzerland, the Schaeffers had merely decided to open their home to the students their daughters invited home from college. What grew out of this humble beginning is the work that today is called L’Abri with branches in 9 different countries. The Dutch work of L’Abri started in Eck en Wiel in 1971.
The conviction that Christianity is objectively true and that the Bible is God’s written word to mankind. This means that biblical Christianity can be reasonably defended and honest questions are welcome.
Because Christianity is understood to be true, it speaks to all of life and not to some narrowly religious sphere. Much of the material produced by L’Abri has been aimed at helping develop a Christian perspective on the arts, politics and the social sciences etc.
In the area of our relationship with God, true spirituality is seen in lives which by grace are free to be fully human rather than in trying to live on some higher spiritual plane or in some grey negative way.
The reality of the fall is taken seriously. Until Christ returns, we and the world we live in will be affected by the disfigurement of sin. Though we take questions seriously, L’Abri is not just a place for intellectuals but for all who seek to embody their convictions with integrity.

For decades the branches of L'Abri have been recording lectures and making them available for the use of anyone who is interested. On the Ideas Library you will find over 2,500 lectures presenting Christian ideas that engage contemporary issues, the history of thought, religious topics, Christian doctrine, personal questions and more.

Henk and Riana Reitsema
Henk and Riana grew up in South Africa. They started as workers at Dutch L’Abri in 1995.

Robb and Christa Ludwick
Christa was born in Eck en Wiel, and Robb grew up in the USA. They have been workers at Dutch L’Abri since 1999.

Wim and Greta Rietkerk
In 1971, Wim and Greta helped found the Dutch L’Abri. Since then they have led the work here in Holland.