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Er is een nieuwe Update klaar! Met een korte reflectie over de afgelopen termijn en het programma voor het nieuwe seizoen. Als je deze Update per post of per email regelmatig wil krijgen, laat ons maar weten op en we zetten je adres graag in het bestand!

A new update is ready for the coming season! With a short reflection over the last term and a schedule of what is coming in the new year. Let us know if you would like to be on the mailing list to receive these updates on paper in the mail or in a digital email format!

Hello all!

Before every new term we send around our update!

In it we share a bit of a reflection on the past months and term.

But we also annouce the new upcoming lectures and program!

We print it and post it to hundreds of addresses around the Netherlands free of charge. You can also request the digital version. If you already receive it as paper and prefer to start receiving only the digital format, let us know at Also if you would like to receive the printed version.

But if you're curious now, no need to wait! You can download here the newest update, to our Fall Term 2024. Click on the link below!


Burgemeester Verbrughweg, 40, 4024HR




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